Burdall's Gravy Salt
Please note that the regularly maintained page about Old Jake's Gravy Saviour (a fine alternative to Burdall's Gravy Salt) is at www.oldjake.co.uk and www.burdalls.co.uk.

Tell your friends!

The following information is left here for the convenience of visitors from the Wymondham website (it is listed in the site's search results), but please use one of the links above for the latest ordering information.

Space Foods Ltd manufactured Burdall's Gravy Salt in Wymondham, Leicestershire until the closure of the factory in December, 2000.

Through this website and Wymondham Post Office/Cottage Stores, and even Soyfoods Ltd of Melton Mowbray, we have received inquiries from right across the world from devoted users.

The following ordering information dates back to January 2003 and is no longer accurate.  To order, please visit www.oldjake.co.uk

Thanks to this interest we are pleased to announce that Old Jake's Gravy Saviour is now available at £3.00 for 250g including UK postage and packaging. For 1st-class postage please add 20 pence per pack. For airmail to USA/Canada the total price is £5.50 per pack; and for airmail to RSA and Australia the total price is £5.75 per pack.

Cheques or Postal Orders should be made payable to Welcome to Wymondham and sent to:
Jake Young
53 Main Street
Leicestershire LE14 2AG
It is also helpful if you email your postal address and order details to jake@oldjake.co.uk.

Please get in touch if interested in online payment by PayPal.

Back by popular demand
By January, 2001 it was clear that people weren't happy with other products so Jake Young (who has responsibility for this website) offered to try and provide a gravy salt as close as possible to the original Burdall's, based as much as possible on users' feedback and requirements.

The Wymondham message board had been the main way for people to make inquiries, and it continued to be used to broadcast any updates. The provider has been a source of various annoyances in their efforts to maintain a service after the bursting of the Internet bubble, and the message board format isn't too convenient for those not used to using them, but one hint is to disable JavaScript in your browser options to stop the pop-ups from appearing.

Generous-spirited individuals pre-ordered straight away, while others engaged in e-mail ping-pong for a while, never to be heard of again. Things virtually ground to a halt over the summer of 2002 until the launch of Let's Talk magazine in East Anglia which finally got us to the stage where the ingredients and packaging could be ordered. Along the way, when looking for suppliers, it was noticed how poorly-designed many commercial websites are in providing content that will show up in search engine listings. It is also clear that supermarkets and most of the media aren't responding to requests from the public and even trying a search of the Web for information about the "inconsequential" things in life. The new gravy salt, Old Jake's Gravy Saviour, has its roots in Victorian times, yet came into existence thanks in large part to our wibbly wobbly Web. If happy users ask for it at their local shops, its future will be more secure.

The Let's Talk readers who'd placed orders were starting to get restless (most of them aren't online and able to follow progress) and it really was hoped that the backlog of orders would be sent out before Christmas, 2002. There were more delays however, and so a small amount was sent only to those who made special requests during December. The new product was more generally available as of mid-January, 2003 and, while it's still early days, there are now minimal delays in sending out orders.

Space Foods occupied the site of a dairy manufacturing Stilton Cheese, which itself was on the site of the former Manor House. The company was so-named due to the spaceship-shaped salt cannisters marketed in the early 1960s. Other products included mixes for stuffings, dumplings, bread sauce and Mary Had mint sauce but, apart from Burdall's, the only product that seems to be missed is Queen's Gravy Browning.
