Colour Names for All

Maybe you've had a look at the other tables of color names in this series and come away frustrated by the range of choice but with so many restrictions.

Well, here's a basic set of colours that you can use by name and that display on a 256-color screen in MS Internet Explorer3, Netscape Navigator3 and Opera3.6 for Windows.

Explorer was found to display the same colour for several different color-names and hexadecimal values. Some of these duplicates have been removed from the table to avoid the possibility of a design acceptable in another browser displaying poorly in Explorer. A few of Opera's named colours display slightly differently from the hexadecimal versions, but were considered close enough matches to retain. Removing them would have decreased the value of the table, which shows colors safe to use in all three browsers. Bear in mind that each browser displays colours slightly differently on the same system, but the colors listed below are all differentiated. Some may be close in hue to others, but they can all be told apart.

Check the hexadecimal values and you will see that Aqua and Cyan are the same, as are Fuchsia and Magenta. If you use the names marked [A], you can be sure the colours will display in Arachne1.5 (the graphical browser for DOS). For those designing specifically for Arachne, or those simply wanting to use a smaller "sure-fire" palette, there is a special page available with this collection.

By using the colours on this page in your HTML for the text and backgrounds, you can be fairly sure that your webpages will be viewable with most browsers on most systems. After all, if the content of your webpage has any value you want the maximum audience to be able to see it. And that includes using viewable colors and designing pages for users of alternative and previous generation browsers.

In order that this page should have some chance of appearing in search-engine results,
International and US spellings for "colour" have been alternated in the text.

Colour Names

RGB Values

Hexadecimal Values

aqua [A] 0, 255, 255 #00FFFF
black [A] 0, 0, 0 #000000
blue [A] 0, 0, 255 #0000FF
brown [A] 128, 42, 42 #A52A2A
cadetblue 95, 158, 160 #5F9EA0
chocolate 210, 105, 30 #D2691E
coral 255, 127, 80 #FF7F50
cyan 0, 255, 255 #00FFFF
darkkhaki 189, 183, 107 #BDB76B
darkorange 255, 140, 0 #FF8C00
darksalmon 233, 150, 122 #E9967A
darkseagreen 143, 188, 143 #8FBC8F
darkslategray 47, 79, 79 #2F4F4F
darkviolet 148, 0, 211 #9400D3
deeppink 255, 20, 147 #FF1493
deepskyblue 0, 191, 255 #00BFFF
dodgerblue 30, 144, 255 #1E90FF
fuchsia [A] 255, 0, 255 #FF00FF
gray [A] 128, 128, 128 #808080
green [A] 0, 128, 0 #008000
greenyellow 173, 255, 47 #ADFF2F
lightpink 255, 182, 193 #FFB6C1
lightsalmon 255, 160, 122 #FFA07A
lightskyblue 135, 206, 250 #87CEFA
lime [A] 0, 255, 0 #00FF00
magenta 255, 0, 255 #FF00FF
maroon [A] 128, 0, 0 #800000
mediumblue [A] 0, 0, 205 #0000CD
mediumpurple 147, 112, 219 #9370DB
mediumturquoise 72, 209, 204 #48D1CC
mediumvioletred 199, 21, 133 #C71585
midnightblue 25, 25, 112 #191970
navy [A] 0, 0, 128 #000080
olive [A] 128, 128, 0 #808000
orange 255, 165, 0 #FFA500
orchid 218, 112, 214 #DA70D6
paleturquoise 175, 238, 238 #AFEEEE
pink 255, 192, 203 #FFC0CB
purple [A] 128, 0, 128 #800080
red [A] 255, 0, 0 #FF0000
rosybrown 188, 143, 143 #BC8F8F
royalblue 65, 105, 225 #4169E1
seagreen 46, 139, 87 #2E8B57
silver [A] 192, 192, 192 #C0C0C0
teal [A] 0, 128, 128 #008080
white [A] 255, 255, 255 #FFFFFF
yellow [A] 255, 255, 0 #FFFF00

Still too many colours for you? Then take a look at the Arachne palette.

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