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First came the Naked Chef
now it’s the Naked WI

Melton Times, November 23, 2000

A daring Women’s Institute group near Melton shocked villagers when they stripped off for a Millennium show.

Garden of Delights
The brave ladies of the Wymondham Institute – aged from their late 20s to mid-70s – were performing a live remake of a famous calendar featuring naked members of the Rylstone and District WI.

The calendar sold thousands of copies and made headlines in all the national newspapers and the Wymondham ladies all thought it would be a good idea to recreate the moment.

Their modesty was covered by conveniently-placed props on stage and, according to chairman Kay Bruce, their two-night show in the village hall was a roaring success.


She said: “There was a dead silence and then thunderous applause. People were shocked because I don’t think they expected the WI to do something like that. We did it really well. It was good fun. Some of them even want to do it again.”

Nine brave ladies took part and their sketch involved them singing a song written by entertainer Richard Stilgoe.
Legs   WI chairman, Kay Bruce

Office Fantasy
Details of what they were planning were kept secret for maximum effect, but after baring all for a 40-strong audience on the first night, news spread like wildfire round the village and the hall was sold out for show number two.

The Institute was not the only village group involved in the Millennium show in October but Mrs Bruce said their efforts kept people talking for a long time.

The Rylstone institute posed naked behind everyday objects to raise money in memory of one member’s late husband.

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