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Fifty years of marriage for Edward and Doris
Melton Times, September 7, 2000
Wymondham couple Edward and Doris Welbourn have celebrated 50 golden years of marriage in the village they know and love.

Doris and Edward Welbourn (welbourn.gif, 11.2kB)
GIVE AND TAKE: That's the recipe
for a successful marriage say
Wymondham couple
Edward and Doris Welbourn

The couple met during the war when Edward worked for British Rail in Whissendine, and Doris, originally from near Wembley, was a land girl in the area.

They married in Wymondham church and settled in the village at the cottage Edward was born in and where he has lived his whole life.

Both Edward (77) and Doris (73) enjoy gardening and Edward retains a great fondness for the railway.

And as for the village that’s been so important to Edward, he said: “Wymondham isn’t like the old days when everybody knew each other but I still like it. I wouldn’t live in a town.”

They have two children, four grandchildren and one great-grandson and say the recipe for a successful is to give and take and always help each other.

Edward added: “If we start rowing then I just go down to the garden.”

More than 80 people, including family and friends, attended the anniversary party in Wymondham Village Hall.

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